atm I'm still unhappy that i can't play rit lord in RA. THat used to be a challenge. Staying alive vs a inturrupt ranger and a warrior was pretty darn difficult. Not its impossible to play prot inRa and even more so in TA. Prot rit lords just plain suck now. Nerf one of the skills no all at once..
what should have been done is increase the E cost of shelter to 15 and nerf rit lrod exactly has is it was nerfed. Decreased cooldowns for all spirits were neccessary so thay they could actually be used outside of rit lord.
There are still quite a few ofensive spirits that can't be used optuside of rit lord.Shadowsong, dissonace,disenchantment, shelter, union, and displacement come to mind.
the thing I'd like to point out is that because of rit lord, high cool-downs become neccesary, and because of massive cool downs, spirits become useless out side of rit lord.
I'm not saying the rit isnt good. but I'm having trouble finding any decently effective build out side cookie cutter resto, and cookie cutter channeler.